New Jersey Jetties Going Off Surfing Hurricane Sam – 10-02-2021

surfing hurricane sam in great waves on jersey shore

Hurricane Sam’s visit to the New Jersey Shore on October 2, 2021, brought epic waves to local surfers. These surfers reveled in the opportunity to ride the sandbars and jetties that were firing that day. Captured in a mesmerizing video, the surfers’ skills were showcased from angles filmed by both a drone and a land camera.

Hurricane Sam New Jersey Surfing Video

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To make the most of these fleeting hurricane swells, surfers closely monitored the forecasts. Mainly, to ensure they can hit the water during the prime moments of the swell. The conditions were ideal, featuring gentle offshore winds and glassy waves with faces ranging from 6 to 12 feet. Occasionally, the sets of waves forming hollow barrels. Most of the Jersey Shore offers beach breaks near rock jetties. Hurricane swell days are best left to experienced surfers due to the powerful waves and strong currents they bring.