Cole Deveney Surfing Hurricane Sam on Jersey Shore 10-02-2021

cole deveney surfing big waves during hurricane sam on jersey shore

New Jersey Shore surfer, Cole Deveney, struck gold while riding the waves of Hurricane Sam. In the Garden State, these storm swells appear suddenly, demanding swift action. When not at Brave New World, Cole combs the Jersey Shore for the next big set. Recently, he stumbled upon a hidden gem of a jetty, amplifying the hurricane swell’s power. Waves ranged from solid 3-6 foot backs to double-overhead faces, offering excellent conditions with gentle offshore winds that created glassy waves. Cole, along with fellow local surfers, seized the opportunity to chase thrilling barrels.

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Hurricane swells are a testament to the surfing culture’s dedication and the adventurous spirit of riders like Cole. Surfing in the midst of these storms showcases the excitement and passion that drives surfers to seek out and conquer waves, no matter the weather. In the unpredictable world of surfing, discovering the perfect break during Hurricane Sam was a reminder of the thrilling experiences that await those who are always on the lookout for the next epic ride along the Jersey Shore.