Late Morning Surfing Scripps Pier – 03-30-2022

This was the 3rd surf spot I hit this really epic morning. Surfing is a sport that requires patience, determination, and a deep love for the ocean. It’s a sport that allows you to connect with nature and ride the waves in a way that nothing else can. And on March 30th, 2022, San Diego saw some of the best swell of the year, providing the perfect opportunity for surfers to test their skills.

I made my way to Scripps Pier, which was the third surf break I visited that day. The lineup was packed with intermediate and advanced surfers, all eagerly waiting for their turn to ride the waves. And what waves they were! Chest to head high, they were a surfer’s dream come true.

What struck me most about Scripps Pier was how clean the waves were, despite it being late morning. The winds were still holding slightly offshore and side shore. That provided the perfect conditions for surfers to ride the waves. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was music to my ears. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the power of nature.

Scripps Pier Surfing Video

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As I watched the surfers catch wave after wave, I couldn’t help but admire their dedication and skill. Surfing is not an easy sport, and it takes years of practice and training to become good at it. But it’s worth it for those who love the ocean and the thrill of riding the waves.

As the morning wore on, I continued to film the surfers, capturing their moments of triumph and the occasional wipeout. But even the wipeouts were impressive in their own way, as they showed the risks that surfers are willing to take in pursuit of their passion.

In the end, it was an unforgettable morning of surfing at Scripps Pier. The waves were perfect, the surfers were skilled, and the ocean was at its best. I felt privileged to be able to capture this moment on film, and I hope that my footage will inspire others to take up the sport of surfing and experience the magic of the ocean for themselves.