Scoring a Rare Hollow Drainer in San Diego on 6-4-2022

On a cloudy morning in June, three surfers were able to catch a rare hollow left wave at a slab reef in San Diego. June 4th, 2022 the surfers, Matt Powers, Johnny Noris, and Myles Laine-Toner, were able to score some great barreling waves despite the gloomy weather.

It was a slightly foggy early morning and the swell wasn’t really showing yet and many surrounding breaks. Occasionally though around San Diego there are some mysto waves that take a specific swell direction. Case in point this rare hollow wave which was catching the 4 to 6 foot face swell. This is one of the surf spots you really have to be watching the swell forecast to know when and if it will break.

San Diego Barreling Waves Surfing Video

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Hollow left waves are a rare occurrence in San Diego and require specific conditions to form. Typically, a slab reef break is needed to create the most empty barreling wave. It occurs when a steep, shallow reef abruptly meets a deep channel or trough. This unique combination of factors results in a hollow, tube-like wave that provides a thrilling ride for experienced surfers.

Matt Powers, Johnny Noris, and Myles Laine-Toner were able to make the most of these rare conditions and catch some impressive waves. The trio spent several hours in the water, taking turns riding the hollow left and soaking up the experience.

Matt Powers : @powerssucks
Johnny Noris : @johnnynoris
Myles Laine-Toner : @myleslt

San Diego Barreling Waves Surfing Photos

surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
johnny noris surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
matt powers surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
myles laine toner surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
johnny noris surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
matt powers surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
myles laine toner surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
matt powers surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves
myles laine toner surfing photos and videos at san diego reef waves