San Diego Beaches Huge Waves from El Nino Swell – Raw Footage – 02-25-2016

andy carter surfing big el nino waves in san diego

The El Nino Swell on Feb 25th, 2016 brought huge waves to the San Diego beaches and the majority of surf spots were totally maxed out conditions. A handful of surfers at this beach break managed to find a couple rideable waves in between the non-stop wash through sets.

The El Nino Swell is still talked about by surfers today. It was an event that brought massive waves to the beaches, creating challenging conditions for even the most experienced surfers. Despite the extreme conditions, a handful of surfers managed to find a couple of rideable waves at this beach break.

El Nino is a weather phenomenon that occurs every few years, causing warmer than usual ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific. This leads to changes in weather patterns worldwide, including increased storm activity along the West Coast of the United States. During the El Nino of 2016, San Diego was hit with an impressive swell that produced waves up to 12 foot faces tall.

San Diego Surfing Video During El Nino

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The conditions at the San Diego beaches on February 25th were incredibly challenging for surfers. Most surf spots were maxed out, with waves breaking consistently and with tremendous force. It was a rare opportunity for surfers to experience the full force of nature and test their skills in extreme conditions.

The El Nino Swell of 2016 was a reminder of the power of nature and the incredible challenges that surfers face in pursuit of their passion. It was a rare opportunity to experience the full force of the ocean and test one’s limits in a way that only a few can. While many surfers were left in awe of the conditions, a few brave souls were able to find a few fleeting moments of glory in the midst of the chaos.

As surfers, we are always looking for the next big swell, the next chance to test our skills and push our limits. The El Nino Swell of 2016 will always be remembered as one of the most challenging and exciting moments in the history of San Diego surfing. It was a reminder that sometimes, the greatest rewards come from taking on the greatest challenges.

San Diego Surfing Photos During El Nino

surfing big el nino waves in san diego
andy carter surfing big el nino waves in san diego
surfing big el nino waves in san diego