Summer Starter Swell at Lowers Trestles on 06-17-2019

surfing summertime waves at lowers trestles

On June 17th, 2019, a swell rolled through Lowers, Trestles, providing some shoulder to head-high plus waves, or 4-6 foot faces, to the delight of the local surfers. Surfing is not just a sport but a lifestyle for those who love the ocean and the thrill of riding waves. And what better way to kick off the summer season than with a fun swell at one of the most iconic surf spots in California, Trestles.

Despite the fact that Trestles is usually crowded on any swell, the lineup was not packed that day, which made it even more enjoyable for those who were lucky enough to be there. Surfers were primarily riding the rights, which offered a longer ride and a steeper face. The combination of size and shape made for some epic rides that will be remembered for a long time.

Lowers Trestles Surfing Video

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The water temperature was still in the low to mid-60s, so most surfers were wearing their 3:2 wetsuits. While some might think that surfing in cold water is uncomfortable, it is just part of the experience for many surfers. The feeling of paddling out into the crisp, refreshing water and feeling the rush of adrenaline when catching a wave is what makes it all worth it.

Trestles is a wave-rich zone, with various breaks that can cater to surfers of different levels. From the beginner-friendly mushy waves at the top of the point to the fast and steep walls at the bottom, there is always something for everyone. And with the stunning San Onofre State Beach in the background, it is not just about the waves but also the beauty of the surroundings that make Trestles a special place.

Overall, the June 17th swell at Trestles was a fantastic way to start the summer. With fun waves, a relaxed vibe, and beautiful scenery, it was a day that surfers will cherish and remember for years to come. So, if you are a surfer, be sure to add Trestles to your bucket list and experience the magic for yourself.

Lowers Trestles Surfing Photos

surfing summertime waves at lowers trestles
surfing summertime waves at lowers trestles
surfing summertime waves at lowers trestles
surfing summertime waves at lowers trestles
surfing summertime waves at lowers trestles