The cool and overcast weather conditions during this May Gray day created ideal opportunities for some pristine surf. Ren Okano and Rex Hennings, two talented young surfers from the local community, showcased their skills this morning along others. They effortlessly scored numerous waves from the incoming sets, treating each one like their personal skate ramps.
With the waves rolling in, Ren and Rex seized the opportunity to practice their surfing skills. Their approach to the surf resembled that of skaters conquering ramps. Effortlessly launching themselves into the air with grace and precision.
Juniors Surfing Lowers Trestles Video
Ren Okano, known for his fluid style and innate ability to read the waves, carved through each face with finesse. His seamless transitions from one maneuver to another showcased a level of skill. Rex Hennings, on the other hand, impressed with his speed and energy.
As the morning session unfolded, other young surfers in the lineup were also taking advantage of the clean conditions. The waves at Lowers part of Trestles State Beach have been referred to as natural wave park. It provides a perfect location for young rising stars to practice their surfing.
The local surfing community can’t help but be excited even on May Gray days. The waves at Lowers always provide a great venue and opportunity for pure stoke.
Juniors Surfing Lowers Trestles Photos