Groms Enjoying Lowers Trestles Surfing Session – 05-22-2023

surfing photos and videos at lowers trestles

The summer south swell and absence of school had the young groms ecstatic about surfing. With enjoyable 3-4 foot faces on May 22nd, 2023, the waves offered a perfect playground. Amongst the bustling crowd, local surfers like Kai Thompson and Harvey Nelson stood out. While others struggled for waves, the groms expertly snagged the inside ones. Known as a natural wave machine, Lowers at Trestles became an ideal spot for young surfers to refine their skills.

Surfing conditions couldn’t have been better for the young enthusiasts. The summer south swell blessed them with waves that were just the right size – not too intimidating, yet exciting enough to keep their stoke alive. With school out of the picture, these groms had all the time in the world to ride the waves and push their limits.

Lowers Trestles Surfing Video

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The presence of talented local surfers, like Kai Thompson and Harvey Nelson, added to the thrill at Trestles. As the groms honed their skills, they had the opportunity to learn from these experienced riders. While the more experienced surfers battled for waves outside, the groms cleverly positioned themselves to ride the inside ones, giving them a chance to showcase their abilities.

Trestles’ reputation as a natural wave machine made it an unrivaled destination for young surfers. The consistent and reliable waves provided the perfect canvas for the groms to practice and improve their technique. It was no wonder that this iconic surf spot attracted both locals and visitors alike, eager to witness the future stars of the sport.

Lowers Trestles Surfing Photos

surfing photos and videos at lowers trestles
harvey nelson surfing photos and videos at lowers trestles
kai thompson surfing photos and videos at lowers trestles
surfing photos and videos at lowers trestles
harvey nelson surfing photos and videos at lowers trestles
surfing photos and videos at lowers trestles