Surfing Epic Barrels in San Diego Slab 01-03-2021

surfing epic barrels at san diego reef breaks

The morning of January 3, 2021, witnessed an electrifying winter swell that set San Diego’s slab reef on fire. This popular surf spot delivered some mind-blowing hollow barrels. Surfers paddled out very amped and came in with massive stoke smiles on their face. Capturing the essence of these epic waves, a drone was deployed to offer viewers a unique and thrilling perspective.

San Diego Slab Wave Surfing Video

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Slab reefs, known for their shallow waters and hollow barrels, are not for the faint of heart, making them unsuitable for beginners and intermediate surfers. Nevertheless, San Diego’s surfing community has embraced this wave, especially those who revel in the challenge of riding the coveted barrels. Wave heights during this session ranged from 5 to 8 feet, with just a hint of crumble on the barrel sections, ensuring an unforgettable experience for those who dared to take on the swell.