Pumping Outer Reef Swell in La Jolla on 12-17-2018

surfing big wave at reefs in san diego

A really good sized winter swell hit the La Jolla reefs and some of the outer reef breaks started to pump with a bunch of the locals hitting it up. If you’re a surfer, you know that there’s nothing quite like catching a wave on a good swell. And on December 17th, 2018, surfers in La Jolla were treated to just that. A strong winter swell hit the reefs, bringing with it waves that reached up to 15 feet in height. This provided some exciting surfing opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

The La Jolla reefs are known for their challenging surf breaks, and this particular swell did not disappoint. Some of the rare outer reef breaks were pumping, and surfers were eager to hit the water and test their skills. With waves reaching 10-15 feet in height, the conditions were perfect for big drops and exciting rides.

Surfing La Jolla Reefs Video

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For those who aren’t familiar with surfing, a “drop” refers to the moment when a surfer catches a wave and begins riding it. In the case of a swell like the one that hit La Jolla on December 17th, the drops were particularly thrilling. As surfers paddled into the waves and caught them at their peak, they were able to experience the rush of riding a wave that was several times their own height.

Of course, riding waves of this size requires a certain level of skill and experience. The surfers who were out in the lineup that day were well-prepared for the conditions, and many of them had spent years honing their craft. They knew how to read the waves, paddle into them at the right moment, and stay balanced on their boards as they rode down the face of the wave.

For those who were lucky enough to witness the swell from the shore, it was a breathtaking sight. The waves towered above the surfers, creating a dramatic and awe-inspiring scene. And even for those who weren’t surfers themselves, it was clear that this was a special moment in the world of surfing.

In the end, the December 17th swell in La Jolla was a reminder of the power and beauty of the ocean. It was a moment when surfers were able to push themselves to new heights, and when those on the shore were able to witness something truly remarkable. For anyone who loves surfing or simply appreciates the majesty of nature, it was a day to remember.

Surfing La Jolla Reefs Photos

surfing big wave at reefs in san diego
surfing big wave at reefs in san diego
surfing big wave at reefs in san diego
surfing big wave at reefs in san diego
surfing big wave at reefs in san diego