Heavy Wipeouts at La Jolla Reefs – 01-14-2016

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On Day 3 and final day of the swell at this La Jolla reef break, surfers took some heavy slams on the bombs that were still coming through.

On January 14th, 2016, surfers at the La Jolla reef break were in for a wild ride as the final day of a massive swell hit the coast. While the conditions were epic for those skilled enough to handle them, the sheer size and power of the waves also led to some serious wipeouts and heavy slams.

Surfing Wipeouts Video

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As the sun rose on day 3 of the swell, it was clear that the surf was still pumping. Sets were breaking further out to sea than usual, and the waves were towering over the heads of even the most experienced surfers. But despite the risks, many surfers were eager to get out there and test their limits.

The surfers who had braved the challenging conditions could reflect on an epic few days of surfing. While there were wipeouts and heavy slams, there were also some unforgettable moments of triumph and sheer stoke. And for those who had taken their surfing to the next level, they knew that they had pushed themselves to their limits and come out the other side, stronger and more experienced than ever before.

Surfing Wipeout Photos