Barrels and More Barrels at La Jolla Reefs 01-17-2021

joel tudor surfing perfect barrels in san diego california

On January 17, 2021, a powerful winter swell graced San Diego County’s La Jolla Reefs, delighting surfers. The session featured ideal conditions, boasting offshore winds that unveiled magnificent, hollow barrels. Wave heights ranged from head high to a few feet overhead, drawing advanced surfers seeking thrilling barrels.

La Jolla Reefs Barreling Surfing Video

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However, due to the small take-off zone and the spot’s localized nature with three generations of surfers, newcomers and beginners had little chance to catch a wave in this exclusive break. This pumping swell session left surfers stoked, proving that this left-hander at La Jolla Reefs remains a coveted gem for those who can navigate its challenging dynamics.