The New Years Swell was coming to an end. The La Jolla Shores still had some waves coming through on 12-31-2023 but also a crowded lineup. Ben Gravy really wanted to catch some waves on his last day in San Diego, but didnt want to deal with the crowds.
So he called his old pal, Chuck Norris, to help him out. Chuck Norris hates crowded lineups full of surfers dodging barrels, getting in the way, barely can stand. So Chuck decided to take matters into his own hands and clean up the line up for Ben.
La Jolla Shores Surfing Video
The lineup as with any day at La Jolla Shores was loaded with beginner surfers and kooks. On days with a bigger swell in the water this can be dangerous. Although not as dangerous as an irritated Chuck Norris with his rifle and scope.
Chuck made sure to hone in on those surfers getting in the way or blowing their waves. Ultimately, clearing out the lineup for novelty surfing legend Ben Gravy to score some set waves. Hopefully next time the kooks will think twice about surfing the La Jolla Shores when Chuck Norris is on the lookout.
La Jolla Shores Surfing Photos