On the second day of the New Years Swell, December 28th, 2023, the California coastline was buzzing with surfers. All of whom were seeking the perfect wave. With the popular spots maxed out, attention turned to the rare and novelty breaks that emerge during such conditions.
Along the California Coast, surfers knew it was time to explore less frequented locales, anticipating the promise of barrels driven by the pumping WNW swell.
Heading up the coast, a sandbar promised the sought-after waves, despite the side shore winds. Waves ranging from 4 to 6 feet crashed into the break, creating ideal conditions for those who ventured out.
California Sandbar Barreling Surfing Video
While a crowd gathered to seize the novelty, regulars familiar with the spot and daring newcomers willing to navigate the shallow sandbar found plenty of waves.
Notably, the lineup included surfing talents like Ben Gravy, Zeke, and Nick Jiampa, adding an extra layer of excitement to this unique surfing experience on the dynamic California coast.
California Sandbar Barreling Surfing Photos