Shooting Barrels During Late Afternoon Glass Off – 06-03-2022

San Diego is known for its world-class beaches and stunning surf spots. Particularly, one of the most popular spots among surfers is the reef that provided a fun afternoon glass-off session. It was a perfect day for surfing, with head-high waves and ideal weather conditions.

The highlight reel of surfers included some of the most skilled riders in the area. Surfers including Johnny Noris, Mitch McCullough, Luca Burity, Jojo Roper, Myles Laine-Toner, Niko Launais, and Andy Carter. These surfers have honed their skills over years of practice and dedication. It was evident in their flawless maneuvers on the waves and barrel riding skills.

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Johnny Noris, a seasoned pro, was the standout surfer of the day. Particularly, impressing everyone with his stylish and powerful moves on the waves. Mitch McCullough, known for his laid-back and effortless style, also had a great day on the waves. Especially by catching some of the biggest waves of the session.

Luca Burity brought his unique style and flair to the lineup, showing off his impressive maneuvers and carves. Jojo Roper proved that he is one to watch in the future, with his late barrel drops and dynamic style on the waves.

Myles Laine-Toner, a local surfer with a reputation for charging big waves, impressed everyone with his fearless approach and impressive barrel rides. Niko Launais showcased his smooth and stylish surfing, with his long rides and perfect positioning on the waves. Andy Carter, a well-known surfer in the area, also had a great day, showing off his powerful barrel riding and style. Together, these surfers provided an unforgettable show for anyone lucky enough to witness the session.

Surfing is a way of life in San Diego, and days like this remind us why. With perfect waves, ideal weather conditions, and some of the best surfers in the area, it was a day that will go down in local surf lore. It’s moments like these that make us grateful for the ocean, and for the opportunity to enjoy it with such skilled and passionate surfers.