Yadin and King Nicol Surfing Lowers Trestles – 05-27-2022

Surfing is more than just a sport, it’s a way of life. It’s a way to connect with nature, challenge yourself, and have fun all at the same time. For father and son duo Yadin and King Nicol, surfing is a shared passion that brings them together. On May 27th, 2022, the two paddled out at Lowers, Trestles on a beautiful morning to catch some waves.

Lowers, Trestles is a world-famous surf spot located in Southern California. Known for its consistent waves and clear water, it’s a popular destination for surfers from all over the world. On this particular day, the lineup was pretty crowded, but Yadin and King were determined to catch some waves.

Yadin and King Nicol Surfing Video

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As they paddled out, the excitement and anticipation of catching a perfect wave filled the air. The sun was shining, the waves were firing, and the water was glassy. Yadin and King took their time finding the right spot in the lineup, waiting patiently for their turn to catch a wave.

After a few minutes, Yadin spotted a set coming in and started paddling towards it. King followed closely behind, and the two of them positioned themselves perfectly in the lineup.

Surfing is more than just catching waves – it’s about connecting with the ocean and sharing experiences with those you love. For Yadin and King, their surfing adventure at Lowers, Trestles was a day they’ll never forget.