Head High Clean Morning at Seaside Reef – 04-26-2022

Early morning sessions at Seaside Reef in Cardiff can be an absolute dream for surfers, and that was certainly the case on this particular day. The surf was head high and glassy, with slight offshore conditions, providing the perfect playground for surfers of all levels.

As the sun started to rise, the surfers were already out in the water, ready to catch the first waves of the day. The water was calm and clear, allowing for a breathtaking view of the ocean floor as the waves rolled in. The air was crisp, with a gentle breeze coming off the shore, making for a perfect surfing environment.

The first surfers to hit the water were the more experienced ones, carving up the waves with ease and grace. They effortlessly rode the waves, their boards cutting through the water with precision and control. Their style and technique were a thing of beauty, showcasing years of experience and dedication to the sport.

Seaside Reef Surfing Video – Part 1

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As the morning progressed, more and more surfers joined in the fun, each taking their turn on the waves. Some were beginners, still getting the hang of it, but eager to learn and improve. Others were seasoned veterans, showing off their skills and pushing themselves to new limits.

Despite the variety of skill levels, there was a sense of camaraderie in the water. Surfers cheered each other on and shared tips and tricks, creating a welcoming and supportive environment. Everyone was there for the same reason – to enjoy the waves and the ocean.

As the morning drew to a close, the waves started to calm down, signaling the end of the session. Surfers started to paddle back to shore, tired but exhilarated from the morning’s session. They exchanged high-fives and congratulated each other on a great morning of surfing.

Overall, it was an incredible morning at Seaside Reef in Cardiff. The conditions were perfect, the waves were head high and glassy, and the surfers were having an absolute blast. It’s moments like these that make surfing such a unique and rewarding experience – the feeling of riding a wave is truly like no other. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this incredible morning session!

Seaside Reef Surfing Video – Part 2

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