North County Sand Bar Goes Off on 03-29-2022

surfing barreling waves in san diego california

The evening before, conditions on the reports looked great for this new swell mixed with a wind swell. Reports said wind was gonna turn offshore in the middle of the night and be glassy for dawn patrol. Surfers at this sand bar in North County scored with the dawn patrol.

If you’re a surfer, you know the thrill of the chase when it comes to scoring waves. And when the conditions line up just right, there’s no better feeling than paddling out at dawn and being one of the lucky few to catch the best waves of the day.

That’s exactly what happened on a recent morning at a sandbar in North County. Surfers had been watching the reports and knew that a new swell mixed with a wind swell was on its way. The evening before, the reports looked great – the wind was predicted to turn offshore in the middle of the night, creating glassy conditions for dawn patrol.

North County San Diego Surfing Video – Part 1

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For those who aren’t familiar with surf lingo, “dawn patrol” refers to the early morning surf session that takes place before the sun rises. It’s a time when the waves are typically at their best, with fewer crowds and smoother conditions. And on this particular morning, the surfers who woke up early to catch the first light were rewarded with some truly epic waves.

There’s something special about being out in the water before the rest of the world wakes up. As the sun slowly rises and the sky turns from pink to orange, there’s a sense of calm that settles over the ocean. It’s a time to connect with nature, to feel the power of the waves beneath your board, and to appreciate the beauty of the world around you.

North County San Diego Surfing Video – Part 2

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But let’s not forget the real reason we’re out there – to catch waves. And catch waves they did. The combination of swells created some incredibly fun and challenging conditions, with long rides and steep drops that left the surfers grinning from ear to ear.

As the morning wore on and more surfers joined the lineup, the vibe remained positive and supportive. There were hoots and hollers after particularly good rides, and plenty of friendly banter between sets.

It’s moments like these that remind us why we fell in love with surfing in the first place. It’s not just about catching waves – it’s about the camaraderie, the connection to nature, and the sense of joy and freedom that comes from riding a wave.

So if you’re a surfer, keep your eye on the reports and be ready to jump at the chance to score some dawn patrol waves. And if you’re not a surfer, maybe it’s time to give it a try – who knows, you might just fall in love with it too.