Negative Low Tides Allow Rare Slabs to Break – 03-01-2022

mitch mccullough surfing great waves in san diego

On March 1st, 2022, surfers in the San Diego reef break area were in for a treat. They scored some epic hollow barrels. The ocean swell that day delivered clean and barreling waves. The direction angling right at one of the picturesque reefs along the coast. Surfers reveled in the thrill of riding waves that ranged from 5 to 7 feet in height. The hollow waves over shallow reef always creating an adrenaline-pumping experience. One unique factor contributing to this exciting surf session was the negative low tide. A positive effect of the seasonal King Tides that grace the West Coast.

San Diego is blessed with numerous rare slabs and reefs. Ultimately, when paired with the right swell direction and negative low tides, produce some of the best waves around. Local surf enthusiasts like Mitch McCullough and Nico Launais eagerly ventured out to hunt down those coveted barrels. The combination of very low negative tides and a robust swell in the water made it an ideal day.

San Diego Barreling Surfing Videos

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During that memorable afternoon, a rare left-hand reef break was firing, creating a special moment for the surfers fortunate enough to be in the water. However, it’s essential to note that this San Diego surf break is more suited for advanced surfers, not beginners. The take-off zone is relatively small, and it’s typically dominated by seasoned locals who patiently await their turn to ride the waves as they break in this challenging and thrilling spot. If you’re up for the challenge, this reef break promises an unforgettable surfing experience in the heart of San Diego’s coastal beauty.