Fun Carving Waves in La Jolla 12-09-2020

surfing fun waves in san diego

Surfers in La Jolla had a blast catching waves on 12-09-2020. The swell offered consistent 4 to 6-foot faces, setting the stage for an exciting session. The glassy conditions and the higher tide provided ideal opportunities for carving and turns.

The choice of surfboard became paramount, especially when the waves held power but were a bit on the fatter side. Shortboards and fish boards reigned supreme, allowing riders to unleash their skills.

La Jolla Surfing Video

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However, wave selection remained crucial, as some sets proved a bit sectiony. While it wasn’t a day for top-to-bottom barrels, it was perfect for intermediate surfers looking to challenge themselves with bigger waves.

La Jolla’s lineup on that day was a testament to how the right conditions and the right board can transform an ordinary day into a thrilling ride. It’s a reminder that the heart of surfing lies in the waves, the boards, and the endless quest for the perfect ride.