SLAWTV features surfing videos filmed from Land, Air, and Water angles and edited by professional surf photographer / videographer John Cocozza. Our channel segments include:

– SLAW Sessions : are surfing highlight sessions edited with music and feature multiple riders and best waves of that session.

– RAW SLAW : are surfing videos compiling the raw footage of a session together with the raw audio of the surf and waves.

– Surf Contests : surfing highlights of the entire contest or individual competitors from a multitude of contest series such as WSL, ISA, USA Surfing, Boardriders Series, and independent events.

– People Who Surf : short interviews with surfings average joes to former pros featuring some of their surf photos and videos through the years.

– Surfing Gear : review videos of the latest or popular surf gear that everyday surfers might be interested in purchasing.

– Surfboard Craft : short interviews and features with all the individuals responsible for creating the boards you ride including shapers, glassers, machinists, and artists.

– VLOG : videos featuring the daily adventures of surfing photographer/videographer, John Cocozza, as he is out filming surfing and the people he meets.

– Surf Rides : interviews and reviews about custom surf vehicles that surfers have made for road trips and surf excursions.

– Surf Artists : interviews and feature of individual surfing artists and discussion about what inspires them to create the art we view.